Groundworks Project

Glenwood Grove

Client: Private developer.

Location: Glenwood Grove, Wellington.

Scope of works: Earthworks; sewer and stormwater mains; water mains; road construction – kerbing, pavement, sealing; footpaths; carparks; landscaping; street lights; service trenching and installation.

Stats: 410m sewer main, 529m stormwater main, 3 rainsmart retention tanks, 420m water main. 550m2 concrete footpath and carparks, 2200m2 pavement, 1990m service ducting. 40m of 300 stormwater and headwall down 2:1 slope.

Challenges: Exposed site and wettest winter on record, supply chain delays.

Solutions: Implemented additional controls to minimise damage to construction from excessive rainfall. Supply issues – worked with the client to secure and purchase construction materials at the outset of the project.
